
Showing posts from 2014

Permaculture Skills Center

A few weeks ago, I toured the Permaculture Skills Center in Sebastopol, CA. The reason for this was twofold: to see what these folks were up to, and because I was interested in the new Eco-Landscaper Immersion (ELI) program they are starting up in June. In an earlier post , I mentioned that I was planning to complete Merritt College's Permaculture Design Certificate program, but a lot has changed over the past year, and now that I'm a mom, I have to come up with a permaculture plan that meets a few more people's needs than just mine. It turns out the ELI isn't an exact fit either, but hopefully I'll be able to take some workshops and volunteer with one of the PSC's many developing projects in the future. The center started up just two years ago, in 2012, which is a relatively short amount of time to establish a full-blown CSA program ( Taproot Farm ) and  a functioning permaculture site, so I was impressed with how much they've established so q...