West Marin, Yes. Co-Housing, No.

It’s been almost exactly one year to the day that we bought our house in West Marin. (Our offer was auspiciously accepted on Friday the 13 th .) After that momentous event, a few things quickly became clear: we were going to stay put in the Bay Area, which felt like a big accomplishment, but we were not going to start a neighborhood farm , which felt like a bit of a bummer. While the latter idea still felt awfully unclear, there was an excitement in the plan that quite frankly was not the same as suddenly having a hefty mortgage payment and zero savings. But you will certainly not hear me complain. We moved to a semi-rural area where nature abounds and the schools are innovative and we ticked off many of the boxes on the list of what we wanted. Despite being situated on a somewhat small lot, the house has opportunities for garden projects, which I’ll write about as I go. But for now, the main reason that any of this seems relevant, is that the whole reason we end...