Full Belly Farm

Last weekend, two of my favorite activities came together: yoga and growing food. (Yes, I’m from Berkeley.) As part of a year-long yoga immersion I’m participating in, a group of about 20 of us aspiring yogis went on a daylong retreat to Fully Belly Farm, located northwest of Sacramento in the Capay Valley

While practicing yoga outside for the first time was completely invigorating—it’s hard not to feel peaceful with the sun hitting your mat, the wind moving through the walnut trees and the birdies chiming up above—I was secretly eager to explore the farm.

Full Belly produces fruits, vegetables, nuts, flowers, herbs, wool from sheep: a true bounty of biodiversity, all of which contribute to the equilibrium of the farm, the ability of the farm to (re)generate what it needs, when it needs it. No bees trucked in from distant lands here. This equanimity was something we were striving for in our yoga practice, too. In fact, that was sort of the whole point: to visit a natural place that functions harmoniously and soak it all up. Who doesn’t need more of that in their life? There are close to one million things to love about this farm: an annual harvest festival, educational outreach, farm dinners in the orchards, a CSA program, year-round employment for workers, beautiful produce...

Chickens that run around in the grass...


Baby goats playing with a bucket...

Endless rows of sweet peas and snapdragons...

A river to cool off in...

Farm dogs...!

And lots of solar power.

It was impossible not to feel grounded here. Clear minds, full bellies, can't lose!


  1. I want to visit that farm! It sounds great. I was happy to learn today that our school will be starting its own farm program with the adjacent land. It'd be great if it was that nice!

  2. Wow, how exciting! Your school looks so amazing. I'm sure the farm will be, too. I'm so glad you work there so I can read more about it!


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